Technology and our kids: How Plugged-in are they?

A couple of months ago I heard that the iPhone was the new rattle. Then the comment sounded absurd to me, but the hilarious part is that for many babies it’s true. The world has changed significantly since I was in high school, over 10 years ago. The internet was just starting to boom and many people were still aprehensive about it. In fact, it was very common for people not to have email addresses and most of my classmates and I did not own cellphones. My, I can’t believe I am saying this, “but times have changed.” One of the most high-tech devices we used on a regular basis was a graphing calculator, now students have so many portable tech gadgets, it is hard to even keep up with them. For instance, on even given day elementary-aged students and teenagers have the following digital devices in their possession iPads, iPods, iPhones, smart phones, ps3’s, etc.

Just in case kids were not wired with technology enough, last Monday, September 10, 2012 Toys R Us introduced the new Tabeo, an android device, targeted to fulfill the tablet desires of kids. Donned with a rubber outer shell and the ability to download apps safely kids today are mored than just wired: they are plugged into the larger world wide web and virtual world we live in with with just the push of a power button.

While, many problems like sexting, musculoskeletal discomfort, and cyber bullying arise from using these devices the educational benefits are encouraging as well.

Reader Response:

Take a look at the following infographic from,
and think about the statistics below. How do you feel about technology’s influence over our children and how plugged-in they are?

Technology Infographic:

Graduating With Technology

Personally, I am uncomfortable with the amount of time children spend using technology. The overstimulation is real and as parents we should be responsible for how much time we allow our children to unplug from reality and into the virtual world. As always balance is key. But don’t sacrifice physical nurture and spending time with your child by allowing him or her to plug into a world that doesn’t have real feelings, which can result in real consequences.

  • Image credit: Tabeo (source)
  • Image credit: Cartoon (source)
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