Parenting Green: (Guest Post) Featuring “Sushi Gets Bagged”

According to the Plastic Bag Ban Report “On January 1st, Washington, DC put into effect a new law known as “Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Act of 2009″. This law has been known mostly as the Plastic Bag Fee law. If you make a retail purchase in the city and don’t have your own bag with you, you will pay .05 cents if you get a bag to carry your merchandise.”

At first, this law was upsetting to a lot of people, but it is a small price to pay to help clean up our area. Especially, if we want our children to have clean water and animals to behold and enjoy. Keeping a bag with us at all times also helps us to save $0.5, which adds up over time. We can just add it to our children’s piggy banks. Hopefully, over time the stores will be able to save money and reduce their prices a bit.

Kristen at My Healthy Sushi shares her perspective on being required to bring your on bag in Germany.

My Healthy Sushi Reuseable Bag

Yes, I am so BYOB (bring your own bag) lately!  Good-Bye plastic and paper bags. It is finally time for me to be friendly to the earth.  Well, I am kinda forced to be friendly to the earth.  You see I live in Germany and the stores don’t give you a choice, they don’t have bags (that are free).  So I have to carry a bag on me at all times (or a stroller with a basket so I can stash my stuff in).

I like this about Germany.  Even when I decide to be ‘bad’ and not carry my cloth bag, I am forced to be ‘good’.  One time I didn’t have my stroller on me or a bag and I had to walk home with a ton of stuff in my hands, dropping them and picking them up a dozen times.  I think I lost about 10 cool points that day.  I can’t wait until the good ole U.S. of A. has this policy, a BYOB policy would be awesome.   Since I am forced to be a bag lady, I might as well carry cute bags.  So I am happy to announce that I decided to put our adorable logos on bags!  These bags can be used to shop with or for a gym bag, for my children’s childcare bag or what ever else I need it for.  I also decided to put the logos on other things I love: water bottles, shirts (I’m wearing mine to yoga and Zumba), sweaters, baby clothes and more!

Say No to Plastic bags… uh please.

If you are interesting in learning more about My Healthy Sushi and Kristen, please visit her about me page.

Thanks Kristen for sharing your perspective with us!

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