There is definitely a baby boom going on around me. I am not planning on drinking the water, but it does make me excited to know that new moms are budding and blossoming all around me. I remember registering for my twins. There were so many products to choose from the task was overwhelming. Here are a couple of tips that I think you should keep in mind:
- Register for things that are necessary. Ask another mother that you know to take a look at some of the items you are considering. Many store registry checklist have more than the essentials because they are trying to make more money.
- Find a good checklist to make sure you are not missing anything. Here is a link to one of my favorite checklist (I wish it included the quantity, but it is a good start). One of the items that I don’t recommend on their list is the wipe warmer because it can dry out your wipes; however, my girls hated cold wipes.
- Register at stores where you like their merchandise. Many stores will give you a free gift or discount to purchase items left on your registry. Buy Buy Baby offers good discounts, Target gives 10% off, Babies R Us gives 10%, Burlington Coat Factory gives a $25 gift card for every $150 spent in their stores as well as 10/20% off at Baby Depot. The discounts usually arrive very close to your due date. I also recommend utilizing online registries; especially to stores that don’t require high shipping cost. Many traditional brick and mortar stores also have an online counter-part so I think it is best to use those just in case you want to take it directly to the store, rather than send it back through the mail. Department stores like Sears and Pottery Barn are a good options because they carry a lot of baby items.
- Know the stores return policy. Many request a gift receipt or the original receipt if you need to return or exchange an item. The target in my area will not allow returns without some form of a receipt even if the item is on your registry. It really isn’t proper etiquette to request a gift receipt just in case you receive a duplicate item, but hopefully most people will include one.
- Add items for different stages, such as diapers in Newsborn size and sizes 1-3. Babies grow fast very quickly, before you know it your child will be entering the next stage. So it is ok to add a training potty to the list as well. Additionally please remember to add items that you are sure you will need.
- Be cautious about adding clothing, you never know how fast your baby will grow. You will need to estimate the seasons and the corresponding sizes (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, etc): oneies, undershirts, sleepers, and so forth. Babies sleep a lot at first so from 0-3 you need a variety of sleep wear and only outfits for pictures and the doctor unless your child will be in daycare.
- Don’t lose sleep over the registry. Unfortunately, you will put in all of that hard work and some people will only get you and your baby what they think you both will need. Many items can be purchased letter so if you don’t have everything you wanted right way that is OK.
Hang in there and enjoy this time.