My Button and How You Can Post Your Own

Cleverly_Changing_buttonDo you like what you have been reading on my site?

If so please be sure to grab my button. Also, let me know if you like it. This year I will have a lot of practical and interesting information to share.

Leave a comment letting me know that you grabbed my button and I will return the favor on my “sites I like page”.  There are also times when I will be featuring the different sites on my front page for 1 week. Email if you are interested.

A big thanks goes out to my hero, Mr. Clever for creating it! Below is an easy tip about how you can promote your blog with your own button.


<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”BWS tips button” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a>

Easy Tip: If you are interested in adding a button to your blog, here is how you can:

The image needs to be saved as 125 X 125 to make it the standard button size. I also recommend that you save the image as a jpg.

Next, it is imperative that you save the image on your site first (don’t feature it on a page, just upload and copy the link to where it is located).

Add your information to the red spaces as directed below:

<center><img src=”http://THE LINK to your” alt=”” />
<br /><textarea cols=”20″ rows=”3″><a href=”http://YOUR Blogs URL”><img src=”http://THE LINK to your IMAGE.jpg” alt=”BWS tips button” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a></textarea>

**Cut and past the code on your blog in the html section or in the widgets section**

If this doesn’t work for you, please check out this Grab My Button Code Generator.

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