Now that I am a Mom I try to reflect on some of the ways I want to be like my mother. As a child I didn’t always appreciate my Mom, but now that I am older I am able to see where she things from her point of view.
Mom Lessons
- My Mom was always honest. She never tried to pretend that she was perfect.
- My Mom always made time to listen to my concerns. I usually didn’t want to share, but I knew that she was available if and when I wanted her to listen.
- My Mom always told me that I was smart. There were days when I had no clue what was going on in Geometry, but my Mom encouraged me to keep trying until I figured it out. She always seemed confident that I would arrive at the right answer eventually.
- My Mom treated other people the way she wanted to be treated. She lived the golden rule.
- My Mom stuck to her rules. Mom’s rules never changed. Even rules that I thought were “crazy,” and made no sense never changed. Her house and her rules, helped me maintain consistency in my own life.
- My Mom loved me even when I made mistakes. Love was a word my Mom used sparingly; instead she expressed it through her steadfastness and open mind.
- My Mom sacrificed many things she wanted so that I could have a good education.
- My Mom was always my biggest fan. She adored my writing, always showcased my artwork, and loved bragging about me to her friends.
- I always knew my Mom cared about what I was doing. My Mom had a third eye, which was always on me. No matter where I was, my Mom seemed to know without me telling her.
- My Mom wasn’t the greatest cook, but introduced me to healthy fruits and vegetables that didn’t need a lot of preparation to taste good.
I wrote this post my first year of blogging and it will always be a timeless reminder to always remember my Mother’s love.
*The video enclosed was created by Markus Allen and Jim McKinney from