Earning money should not be exclusive to your 9 to 5 job. In order to have money for extra things that may interest you, you may want to consider the following options. These suggestions probably won’t make you rich, but they will give you a little more revenue.
1. Freelance writing – You can make money blogging (try blogging for other people or a company, add google ads to your site, a donate button, etc), you can write for Yahoo Contributor’s Network, squiddo, or Groupon.
2. Sell on Ebay and Craigslist – Sell things you make, things around your home you no longer need, or things you buy on sale or at a low low price to resell for a profit.
3. Become an Independent Consultant – Social media has already gone viral and corporations are playing catch up to keep up with the changes. Many company’s need savvy people that are willing to teach their employees the tricks of the trade.
4. Become a motivational speaker – Do you have some good inspirational stories to share with people? If so, speak and cash in. You may need to build a name for yourself in the business but use your networking skills to get your name and story out their in the public and people will start booking you for events like church seminars, job trainings, schools, non profit organizations etc. Market yourself well using business cards and a brief proposal to help you look more professional. Also consider becoming a part of speakers bureaus to help you find companies that need you and your stories.
5. Have a yard sale. This is an old way of making money that still works today. You can even use online networks such as Craigslist to help you advertise your yard sale.
6. Make money online by taking surveys or from making purchases. You can make money by making purchases through Ebates, my points, and other similar services. Or you can make money by taking surveys. I started taking surveys years ago to rack up points and buy miscellaneous items that I needed. I tried zoompanel, but there are plenty of other services/companies that you can use. Swagbucks is very popular and it is easy to earn points (download their search toolbar and you will rack up points quickly.
7. Sell your skills to others. Are you a great editor? Charge people to edit their documents. Are you great at driver, consider grocery shopping or running errands for pregnant women or the elderly. Are you good at academics like math, reading, or science? If so, you could make a good amount of money tutoring students. Find out what you are good at and then start helping others.
Most of these ways I have tried myself and they work, they are easy to get into and have quick payoffs. If you have questions about any of these suggestions let me know by sending a reply in the comment section below.