Parents Save Money on eBay

Save money on eBay #savings #frugalliving #finance

In this economy it is safe to say that almost everybody wants to get the best deal possible when something new is purchased. Generally, most people are interested in saving as much as they can, when they can. One of the ways we save money is by shopping on eBay.

If you’re a parent you can save money on eBay, here’s how:

Gap Sweatshirt - kids clothing savings1. Kid’s clothes

You can sell your kid’s clothes to other parents if the clothes are still in good condition. You can also purchase clothes. You can save on purchasing kids’ clothes by buying in bulk rather than individually. If there are brands you like, search your the brand and your child’s size first.

2. Room decor

Room Decor - frugal tips to buy kids furniture for cheapExpecting a new baby or redecorating your child’s room?

Search first for decals, furniture, and decorations that fit the room theme. Shoppers can find eclectic bookshelves, paintings, and storage containers that would help the room stay organized.

Read this post about 4 Steps to Furnishing Your Child’s Nursery on a Budget

How to save money when buying a breast pump.3. Breast Pump

If you are on a strict budget and don’t have $300+ for a new breast pump, recreate your own by purchasing new replacement items.

Although you won’t have the warranty, you can buy a use pump for the motor and bag and replace all of the other parts that come in contact with the milk for less than $100.

4 Steps to buying a Great Breast Pump on eBay

Ho wot save money on home school curriculum via CleverlyChanging.com4. Homeschool supplies

Do you want to homeschool but unable to spend a small fortune, consider buying new and used curriculum off of eBay? Text books are often still in good condition. You also can ask the seller to share with you what he or she thought of the curriculum before you make your purchase. Ebay is also a great place to find educational supplemental materials and toys.

4 Ways to start Homeschooling on a Limited Budget

How to save on early reading books.5.  Books and early readers

Of course you can always benefit from obtaining a local library card, but if your child has fallen in love with books and you want to start building a home library, purchase books of triple the discount by buying them on eBay.

How to Choose Early Reading Books for Kids

How to save on almost everything you need for a fabulous baby shower via CleverlyChanging.com6. Gifts and party needs

You can save on party favors, invitations, and gifts because shopping early and looking for wholesale deals. If you or someone you know is having a baby shower, look online at eBay first; especially if you already have a theme in mind. Your potential savings could be huge!

5 Steps to Having a Fabulous Baby Shower

EBay is a safe and frugal place to shop online if you know what you’re doing. I fell in love with eBay when I started planning my frugal wedding and have loved it ever sense. Now that I’m a parent both me and my husband save money on eBay and are able to still purchase from our favorite brands.

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  1. Pingback: How to Shop For School Tax Free - Cleverly Changing

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