This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Silk blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own
If only every morning was full of a renewed burst of energy and we always had enough time to prepare the healthiest and most wholesome breakfasts, everybody would start their day both healthy and happy. But in reality, we often don’t have enough time to make a hearty breakfast for each person in the family and we sometimes forget to take our vitamins, but breakfast time should be a mini-celebration. I don’t always have a lot of time to make a homemade meal from scratch, after catching a few extra zzzzz, but I usually have time to share a delicious smoothie with my favorite little girls. We shake it up in the morning by drinking great nutritious drinks that help us prepare for our day.
I often buy Silk Fruit & Protein because it goes along with our vegetarian diet. My children love it! It is sweet like juice and it is fortified with necessary vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. Silk reports the following about their new juice beverages:
- Silk Fruit & Protein is a delicious fruit juice blend
- Contains a good source of protein (that other juices don’t have)
- Available in three amazing flavors: Mixed Berry, Mango Peach, Strawberry Banana
- Excellent source of Calcium, Vitamin D, & Vitamin C
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Silk Fruit & Protein makes a great smoothie non-dairy base. Because it is sweet and tasty it is easy for me to also sneak a few veggies in the blender to help give them get their fruit and vegetable intake for the day, and I add Silk Fruit & Protein instead of juice. They feel like they are receiving a delicious treat and I receive peace of mind that they are getting the necessary nutrition and vitamins they need to be healthy girls.
One of our favorite morning smoothies is a Silk Fruit & Protein Strawberry and Pineapple delight.

- 1 cup – Frozen Strawberries (I generally buy them fresh, wash them, and then freeze them when they are on sale)
- 1/2 cup – Frozen Pineapple chunks
- 1 cup of fresh apple slices
- 1/4 cup of Spinach (only a few spinach leaves, don’t worry the fruit camouflages the taste)
- 2 Tablespoons of Organic Agave Nectar (optional)
- 2 cups of Silk Fruit & Protein (I like the Strawberry banana, but you could use either 1 of the 3; Mixed Berry, or Mango Peach.
- *if you are using fresh fruits instead of frozen, add 1 cup of ice
Combine all ingredients, starting with the Silk Fruit & Protein juice first. Blend on high for about 1 minute or until all of the ingredients liquify.
Bon Appetite!
Reader Response Question: Have you tried Silk Fruit & Protein? If so, which on of the 3 beverages do you like the most?
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FCC Disclosure: This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Silk blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own