If a disaster hit your residence, would you be able to sustain yourself and your family for a while? Preparing in our own homes for an emergency can be critical to surviving. The Red Cross, FEMA, and the United States Department of Homeland Security collaborated together and have compiled a list of how to store “Food and Water in an Emergency.”
Recently, I won an American Red Cross Deluxe Emergency Preparedness Kit from Good and Ready and I wanted to share with my readers what the emergency kit contains and how you can make or purchase your own. You never know when a natural disaster make strike so it is good to prepare early.
The Red Cross provides some excellent tips, but remember every emergency kit will be different based on the individual’s/families personal needs.
Some items each emergency kit should contain:
- Clothing – a change of clothes and shoes per person
- Items to keep warm – blankets,sleeping bags, jackets, hats and gloves, etc
- H20 – Store plenty of water. (about 1 gallon per person is recommended)
- Technology to stay informed – Crank or battery operated radio, Flashlight and batteries (Remember to also store back up batteries)
- Food – nonperishable items such as canned food, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, trail mix, food bars etc.
- Paper dishes and utensils
- Miscellaneous items and basic tools- Garbage bags, matches, work gloves, duct tape, scissors, surgical masks, whistle
- Sanitation and Hygiene items: Soap, liquid detergent, feminine supplies, Hand sanitizer.
- Toilet paper and towelettes
- Copies of your important documents such as birth-certificate; insurance policy; immunization records; passports; house deed; list of medical conditions, medications, and allergies (7-day supply of medications); bank and credit card accounts and companies; copy of driver license and social security number; emergency contacts and family members; photo-inventory of valuable household goods. All of these items should be stored in a water-proof container
- Cash and an emergency credit card
- Cell phone and charger (a non-electric charger would be ideal)
- An extra set of car and house keys
- Games and activities to keep children occupied.
(Each site below shares templates on how to build a family plan and prearedmess kit)
- Police (911)
- Fire Station
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Poison Control (800-222-1222)
If you would like to purchase an American Red Cross Kit, you can do so at their website.
Disclosure: “This is a non-paid post and is not affiliated with the American Red Cross”