Wordful Wednesday: Will the invisible helmet revolutionize the world?

I’m a dreamer and love hearing stories about people who are willing to take risks and create. Harriet Tubman is credited with saying, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” (source)

Today’s Wordful Wednesday highlight is the invisible helmet

Terese Alstin and Anna Haupt are revolutionizing the world with their Hövding, the invisible helmet. When I heard about their invention, I immediately though about my husband who is a cyclist and whenever he saddles his bicycle and goes on a journey, I worry. I love him so much that I always whisper several prayers for his safety as he rides.

The Hövding sounds like something out of a Hollywood Sci-Fi movie, but I was more than intrigued when I heard about it. Immediately, my mind turned to my husbands passion for riding and how he wears his helmet faithfully. I have never been convinced that his traditional helmet would provide everything he needs to be safe from a head trauma injury, but it is better than nothing. It be great if the invisible helmet would ease my fears and increase my husband’s safety. The thought of a helmet that works like an airbag is phenomenal and incredible.

The helmet is stylish but expensive, it is being sold for about $600, I will be excited to see how the future develops for this genius invention. Alstin and Haupt are inspirational to inventors everywhere and two female inventors I will make sure my children know about.

This video makes me more hopeful about the future for cyclists, it may even help cyclists revolutionize the world. Check out the two masterminds behind this incredible invention:

Wordful Wednesday Reader Response:

What do you think about the Hövding, would you try it?

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