There are so many blogging conferences available for bloggers to choose from, but when trying to decide which conference to attend first consider a smaller one and then explore the larger ones. Below are some pointers you should keep in mind to get the most out of your conference.
1. Always be tech and business card ready.
If you are attending a conference make sure that your gadgets are charged and ready to perform when you need the most. It is also good to have a back up plan if the hotel you are staying doesn’t have the best wifi connection. If you are not willing to risk slow sporadic connections, I recommend you bring your own. During times of traveling having a hotspot will really come in handy.
Secondly, no matter where you go keep your business cards on you. Networking opportunities are around you whether you are prepared or not so stay prepared. When creating your cards make your cards memorable so people that you come in contact with will remember you. Adding a picture to your card is helpful because people will often remember faces before names.
2. Dress comfortable, yet professional.
Although you may not have to do a lot of walking, you want to wear comfortable shoes so when the conference is over you will not have to rest your feet. Dress in layers. Although the weather may be one temperature, because of the presence of air conditioners and heat you want to help your body adjust to what temperatures you find most desirable.
3. Research sponsors and attendees beforehand.
Start formulating questions you want answered before the conference takes place. Review the sponsors products. When talking to each sponsor it will be beneficial for you to know what they can offer and how you would like to work with or collaborate with them in the future. Sponsors like working with people who are friendly and do quality work. Don’t be afraid to take initiative and keep in touch.
4. Be yourself: friendly and personable.
I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “First impressions are lasting ones,” which is true, so put on a smile and represent who are well. Even if you are an introvert you can’t risk passing up these important once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because never again will all of the same people be in the same place at the same time. Present yourself as confident, courageous, and cheerful.
5. Research the area of your conference.
If there is something that you really would like to do or see, allow yourself to have some down time. Try not to schedule any adventures while you should attending sessions or networking. Consider staying an extra day to take advantage of what the area has to offer.
6. Enjoy yourself.
Much of success is achieved by strategic planning. Have a plan for whether or not you want to attend each session so you get the most for your money and so that most of the information available to you will be eagerly anticipated. Creating a desire before hand will help you achieve better success and retain useful key points better.
7. Partner with friends.
If the conference doubles up on the sessions, attend one and have a friend attend the other, and then in the evening exchange notes so you can feel like you are getting the best of both sessions. Just make sure your friend takes good notes or is good at explaining information.
8. Be reasonable and don’t expect too much.
Have you ever watched a good movie that was hyped-up entirely too much, only to be disappointed when you saw it. If you set realistic expectations and err on the conservative side you will not feel under-wowed. Write down what you want to get out of the conference, that way you will do a better job of tuning in and finding out what you want to know.
9. Follow-up
Don’t let the conferences benefits end just because it is over. Utilize the networking opportunities you received and challenge yourself to follow up and keep in touch with everyone you came in contact with.
10. Last but not least, apply the information you learn.
New ideas will surely pop into your head, seize these opportunities to make