When I first heard the story about Trayvon Martin, I felt like there just had to be something missing. Really how could George Zimmerman kill 17 year old Trayvon Martin who was unarmed, confess, and not be arrested and forced to stand trial? How could Zimmerman follow Trayvon after being advised by the police not to and then Trayvon end up dead, without charge or investigation? Unbelievable, right? A part of me didn’t want to believe the story, but another part of me knew I had read correctly. There are some people in this world that are heartless. There are some people that do not value life. Today, was a silent protest. I dressed my daughters in their hoodies and said a prayer, “God, be with the family of Trayvon Martin.”
For days I have felt outraged, yet numb to the reality and severity of the entire story. I took to Twitter until sadness and grief consumed me. I did not want to think about so much pain and heart break. Right now, I am sharing his story because in life, we all want to make a difference in our own little way, Trayvon’s life will hopefully make a difference in all of our lives.
As parents we imagine watching our child grow up, graduate from High School, Vote, go to College, Get married, land that awesome job that will pay back all of his student loans, have a family, and enjoy life. It all seems so simple, just a standard part of the American dream. Trayvon Martin wanted to be an Aviation Mechanic, but for Trayvon’s family, this dream, will never come to fruition. Instead, after Trayvon was murdered, his body laid in the medical examiner office with a John Doe tag on it; Surprisingly, he died not far from home, but his parents were not notified until the next day. February 26 will forever be etched in my mind, I will never forget Trayvon Martin. Americans everywhere must care because he was a child, now we have to see him as America’s child, because Trayvon Martin could have been your son, your brother, your cousin, your student, or your friend.
Have you signed the Petition to have George Zimmerman prosecuted for killing Travon Martin?
The Color of Change also has a petition on their site.
* Click here to hear more about Travon Martin on NPR
* Click here to read “The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin”
* Self Defense Laws Under Scrutiny (Kojo Nnamdi Show)
*Hoodies on a Hill: Congressional Staffers rally for Trayvon Martin
Follow the movement on Facebook “DEMAND JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON MARTIN“

Los Angeles, California
LA: March for Trayvon happening tonight Leimert Park at 5pm PST
Sanford, Florida
The Rev. Al Sharpton is holding a Community Rally
First Shiloh Baptist Church
700 S. Elm Ave.
Boston: Converge at Harvard Square T stop at 6pm EST.
Check out the Facebook Event for more details.
Detroit: Detroit is holding a planning meeting tonight for a Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin. 1515 Broadway @ 6:00pm. Please spread this widely.
Los Angeles: In Hollywood @ The Corner of Hollywood and Highland @ 11AM PST
See the Facebook Event for more details.
Los Angeles
Exposition & Crenshaw Blvd, 2pm PST, http://on.fb.me/GO3ueG
Daley Center 7pm CST, map: http://g.co/maps/34yp9
Location TBD 8pm EST
New York
Union Square 7pm EST, map: http://g.co/maps/yt8f6
Washington, DC
Columbia Heights, meet at the fountain on the corner of 14th and Park, 7pm EST, map: http://g.co/maps/jjtye
LOVE Park, 6:30pm EST, map: http://g.co/maps/3x95h
Kansas City
Mill Creek Park – Plaza Main Fountain, 5:30pm CST, http://on.fb.me/GHE0Nx
MONDAY, 3/26 @ 4PM EST
Sanford, Florida
Community Rally at
First United Methodist Church
419 S. Park Ave
SATURDAY, 3/31 @ 12PM
for Trayvon Martin
Judicial Square, Washington DC
Saturday, March 31, 2012
On the corner of 5th & F St NW