A couple years ago, I saw the book Sickle Cell Natural Healing: a Mother’s Journey and I admired how the author was passionate about making a difference in her son’s life and other families’ lives. I also liked that she had a similar approach as mine, to treating her son’s Sickle Cell with knowledge, natural herbs, and foods. In my many ways, I believe treating sickle cell disease is lifestyle related. Please learn more about her story and how she continues to make a difference in the sickle cell community.
Why is Sickle Cell Awareness important to you?
Sickle cell awareness is important to me because my husband and my two sons have sickle cell. It’s important that I research and educate myself as much as possible to keep my loved ones healthy. I also want to be an inspiration to others who are suffering.
When did you first learn that you were a carrier of the Sickle Cell Trait?
I first learned I was a carrier of the trait at age 19. I received this news from the US Army Reserves.
Has that knowledge changed your lifestyle?
I was told by [Army Reserves] doctors that I would not have any issues regarding the trait, so I never thought about it again until I married my husband in 2005. This was not true as I almost lost my life after delivering my third child due to my having the trait. Between that and having kids with Sickle Cell Disease, my lifestyle has drastically changed in many ways, starting with the foods we eat.
How has parenting children with SCD been for you and your family?
My son started having crises at the age of 1, he was hospitalized every 3 months with a crisis, and he also received two blood transfusions that same year. That year was very heart breaking, emotional, and just an overall difficult time watching my son suffer.
What are some of the ways you help manage your children’s SCD?
I started researching natural herbs. Herbs have been here since the beginning of time, and I knew they were used for their medicinal properties centuries ago. I specifically researched herbs to help the body produce red blood cells, herbs to increase oxygen, and also herbs to raise hemoglobin. We also changed the way we ate. We started eating a more plant-based diet, lots of fruits and vegetables and Mediterranean dishes. We drink alkaline water, coconut water, and fresh homemade juices. Since we have made these changes, my son has not had a sickle cell crisis in over 4 years.
Is there one myth that you would like to dispel about people who carry the Sickle Cell Trait?
One myth about people who carry the trait is the saying “you will never have any problems being a carrier.” I almost died after delivering my third child; shortly after I delivered I had a pain crisis in both arms and both legs; a couple of days later I was in the ICU with pneumonia and congestive heart failure with fluid around my heart and lungs. I received a blood transfusion, was on oxygen, and I developed a lung infection. There have also been professional athletes who have died from complications relating to the trait when playing sports. People with the trait should also educate themselves and be aware of what could affect them.
Which publications would you recommend people who want to learn more about Sickle Cell Disease read?
I would recommend purchasing a copy of my book, “Sickle Cell Natural Healing: A Mothers Journey.” In this deeply personal book, I share the journey I took to find natural ways to treat my sons’ debilitating disease. Whether you have Sickle Cell Disease or the trait, this book will show you what your body needs and how to treat the root cause so that pain is no longer a part of your vocabulary. Knowledge is Power, but only if we apply it. My book can be purchased at: www.ssnaturalhealing.com
How are you raising awareness about Sickle Cell Disease, and how can others help support this cause?
I speak at various events in Dallas, TX on Sickle Cell Disease, and I also travel abroad doing radio interviews and TV shows. I also spread awareness through social media sites, and I am the project manager for Healing Blends Global. I work alongside Dr. Charlie Ware, a homeopathic doctor in Hollywood, FL. He is the creator of Even Flo, an all natural herb created to minimize sickle cell crises, and we are in the process of distributing it in Kenya, Nigeria, and Ghana. In Africa there are millions of people suffering and dying daily from sickle cell and they have little to no help. Our goal is to reach as many countries as we possibly can and bring relief to them.
Others can help by purchasing a copy of my book. A portion of the proceeds go towards further research and development for natural healing for Sickle Cell Disease.
BioTamika grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana. At the age of 18 she joined the United States Army Reserve and later received an honorable discharge from the military. She is the Director of Research for the International Coalition for Good Governance and the Project Manager for Healing Blends Global. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Relations and Business from Amberton University in Garland, Texas. She’s married and has three children. She’s a dedicated wife and mother and is also dedicated to seeing change for the better in every situation.
Tamika’s purpose in life is being of service to others. She is a member of Greenville Avenue Church of Christ in Richardson, Texas, where she serves on the Benevolence and Missionary teams. Because her son has sickle cell disease, she has a huge passion to help others in this fight. She wants to share her amazing story with other parents and all who suffer from this disease.
Tamika’s current focus is teaming up with Dr. Charlie Ware and aiding the sickle cell battle in Africa, where the disease is so prominent. Their main goal is to provide education, guidance and useful information on the importance of natural herbs and how they can help sustain our health while living with Sickle Cell Disease. Tamika and her husband Rodney, and their three beautiful children, live in Dallas, TX.
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/ Sickle Cell Disease / By
Elle Cole
/ May 29, 2010