Finance Friday Is Back With Live Discussions

Finance Fridays Live

Six years ago when I started Cleverly Changing, I was a new stay at home mom and my family and I were learning how to live comfortably on one income. I consumed so much useful knowledge and practical experiences at the time, that I wanted to have a place to share my knowledge with others. My desire to share and help others is how Cleverly Changing was born. In 2017, my goal is to get back to the basics and FOCUS my interests on what matters most to me and you, my readers.

The blogging world, social media, and the internet has changed tremendously since my first post. Now live videos is a must if a person wants to stay relevant. Although, in the past, I’ve shied away from videos, I have started sharing more recently because it is a great real way for us to connect with each other.

My original intention on Cleverly Changing was always to share my testimony with others. Throughout the years, I have made some financial mistakes, but more than anything I’ve learned how to thrive on what we have. While many of us are looking forward for the general economic market to rise, others of us are tired of sitting by and playing the waiting game and are saving money practically and developing new streams of income on the side. Thus, each Friday, I will be sharing a video for Finance Friday. I will be providing real practical tips to help you save money and become more financially aware.

If you have any topics that you really want me to cover, please feel free to share them in the comment section or email me at Please feel free to check out the following four most popular Finance Friday posts below:

Today, Jan 6, 2017, I will be live discussing how to save money in your home during the Winter months. Please be sure to tune in on Facebook at

Thank you for your years of interest in my blog and I look forward to many more years to come!



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