Manage Monday: Emergency Kit Checklist

Deluxe Emergency Preparedness Kit (Adult, 3-Day)

If a disaster hit your residence, would you be able to sustain yourself and your family for a while? Preparing in our own homes for an emergency can be critical to surviving. The Red Cross, FEMA, and the United States Department of Homeland Security collaborated together and have compiled a list of how to store “Food and Water in an Emergency.”

Recently, I won an American Red Cross Deluxe Emergency Preparedness Kit from Good and Ready and I wanted to share with my readers what the emergency kit contains and how you can make or purchase your own. You never know when a natural disaster make strike so it is good to prepare early.

The Red Cross provides some excellent tips, but remember every emergency kit will be different based on the individual’s/families personal needs.

Some items each emergency kit should contain:

  1. Clothing – a change of clothes and shoes per person
  2. Items to keep warm – blankets,sleeping bags,  jackets, hats and gloves, etc
  3. H20 – Store plenty of water. (about 1 gallon per person is recommended)
  4. Technology to stay informed – Crank or battery operated radio, Flashlight and batteries (Remember to also store back up batteries)
  5. Food – nonperishable items such as canned food, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, trail mix, food bars etc.
  6. Paper dishes and utensils
  7. Miscellaneous items and basic tools- Garbage bags, matches, work gloves, duct tape, scissors, surgical masks, whistle
  8. Sanitation and Hygiene items: Soap, liquid detergent, feminine supplies, Hand sanitizer.
  9. Toilet paper and towelettes
  10. Copies of your important documents such as birth-certificate; insurance policy; immunization records; passports; house deed; list of medical conditions, medications, and allergies (7-day supply of medications); bank and credit card accounts and companies; copy of driver license and social security number; emergency contacts and family members; photo-inventory of valuable household goods. All of  these items should be stored in a water-proof container
  11. Cash and an emergency credit card
  12. Cell phone and charger (a non-electric charger would be ideal)
  13. An extra set of car and house keys
  14. Games and activities to keep children occupied.


(Each site below shares templates on how to build a family plan and prearedmess kit)

Know the numbers to the following organizations in your area
  1. Police (911)
  2. Fire Station
  3. Doctor
  4. Dentist
  5. Poison Control (800-222-1222)

If you would like to purchase an American Red Cross Kit, you can do so at their website.

American Red Cross Deluxe Emergency Preparedness Kit 

Disclosure: “This is a non-paid post and is not affiliated with the American Red Cross”


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