Nice meeting you at the Reviewer’s Retreat held June 3-5 at Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, NC. It was a pleasure being able to step out of the blogging virtual world for a few days and meet so many awe-inspiring people. This page is dedicated to helping us keep in touch.
For Brands:
Why Choose CleverlyChanging to review your products?
- Top priority is to be authentic and provide honest reviewes.
- Readers will see your product because content on CleverlyChanging is cross-promoted via Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest to name a few.
- Cleverly Changing reviews share my family’s personal experience using your product. It is important that my readers understand how we connect with your product. I will use my own photos, and add 1 or 2 of your stock photos/video if I think it is necessary.
- CleverlyChanging is not just a review blog, it is a lifestyle blog that seeks to empower people, not just women, moms, or dads. The blog is genuine and practical.
- I care about my readers. My lifelong motto is the golden rule which states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This saying holds true for the content I place on my site, how I interact with my readers, and brands that I come in contact with.
What type of products do I accept to review?
- Educational toys
- Products that help with organization
- Tech gadgets, which are designed to help make parenting or working from home easier.
What’s Special About CleverlyChanging?
- Diverse audience
- Site appeals to everyone, not just parents
- Information found on CleverlyChanging is both practical and reliable
- The blog focuses on helping others
- Accomplished writer with over 10 years writing experience
- B.A. in English and History.