The Best Store Reward Cards to Have With You at All times. Some of the criteria I used for making this decision is as follows: the card is free and easy to sign up, cashing out on the rewards is a simple process, and the savings are unbeatable.
1. CVS (Extra Care) cards boast that they give you 2% cash back on everything you buy including prescriptions. The extra care bucks that you can earn can allow you to purchase many household items for FREE.
Best Deals:
- Earn 2% back with every purchase in-store and online at CVS/pharmacy.
- Earn 1 Extra Buck for every 2 prescriptions purchased in-store and online at CVS/pharmacy up to $40.
2. The Children’s Place rewards card (Place Perks). You earn 1 pt for every $1 you spend. Once you earn $75 points you earn a $10 off coupon on your purchase. The coupon can be used in combination with their store coupons and sale items.
Best Deal:
- 20 point sign-up bonus.
- Automatically tracks your perks points when you purchase online.
- Receive an email when updating you of your points and when a coupon is mailed to you. REMEMBER though, in order to get points in store you have to have the card with you.
3. Sears/Kmart/Landsend rewards card (shop your way rewards). If you happen to forget your card you can call to have them add the transaction. If you forget your card on a Kmart purchase you can add the transaction online.
Best Deal:
- Earn 10 points or more for every $1 you spend in store and online at Sears, Kmart, Lands’ End, the great indoors and MyGofer.
- Redemption is easy, look for Member Number when you are online checking out your virtual shopping bag.
4. Babies r us (rewards r us card). Offer special sales and Reward Member Only shopping Events. They also allow you to add your transactions online if you do not have your card with you. Buy 9 Pampers/Huggies diapers and get the 10th free (also works with formula).
Best Deal:
- If you register your rewards card on your registry, when people buy items off of your registry you’ll earn rewards for their purchases.
5. Staples (rewards). Earn rewards on purchasing ink and other items in the store. For every empty ink cartridge you return you will receive $2 in Staples rewards. It doesn’t sound like much, but if you are print a lot especially coupons, the savings will help purchase more ink. They also have incredible sales so there is no reason to shop with without getting a fabulous deal.
Best Deal:
- Earn 10% back in Staples Rewards on all ink and toner, case and ream paper and Copy & Print.
- Add receipts online.
- Staples Rewards® are issued monthly when the value of the Reward is at least $10. Monthly balances of less than $10 will roll over each month until the minimum is met for that calendar quarter.
6. Riteaid’s wellness card and their single check rebate program. Both programs give you an opportunity to by free merchandise and cards and rebates can be combined with manufactures coupons.
Best Deal:
- Receive exclusive special offers.
- For every 125 points you earn a one-time, 10% off shopping pass.
- Members-only sale pricing throughout the store
- 10% off Rite Aid brand products every day5
- 24/7 exclusive access to a pharmacist when you call 1-800-RITEAID
If you know of some reward cards that offer great values. Please share, I look forward to your comments.